Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So ! It's 11.1.2011 and I finally decided to write on this blog which I had on 1.1.2011. (nice dates ha-ha I know) ;) Uhm, was very much excited to have this blog actually, like it's the first for me ! been waiting since a year and due to all those 'pandemoniums' in school, like a hell-over things in exam zone, SPM!! RAWR! but one thing is for certain, I was VERY excited about blogging when I was a high school student (which literally means I'm not anymore) :)) but now *sigh* the ultra excitement is no longer there, maybe because of HOLIDAYS. yesss, boredom beating me, been very jobless, spending the whole day at home, boring life ! Anyway, yeah, I'm wanting a change so badly, so I'm trying to get outta house very soon, most prolly, I will be heading to ICC, KL. *wide smile* so, guess that's all for now, not in the mood of writing actually ha-ha will be back to ya'll soon, till then, toodles !